Material sourcing has always been one of the most important conditions to make the right product. Our company feel it is absolutely important to select our partners carefully since the consciousness about where products are created and what kind of materials are used is growing lately.
Therefore, Rudis has a domestic and international sourcing network of quality materials and footwear components.
Our experienced leather and production experts carefully select which material to use to make a good pair of shoes and ultimately meet the expectations of the customer.
Translating sketches, drawings and renderings into real products requires a lot of decision making.
This transition needs to be effective, with an emphasis on quality product development and timely completion of all tasks in accordance with the applicable operating calendar.
Our team will discuss the aesthetics details, drive the inception of components, processes and materials into manufacturability and do pre-production tests on all components to ensure functional safety is achieved and the fit is correct.
Finally, when we believe the product adhere to our quality standards and suits your requirements best, we will send a sample for approval.
Planning and scheduling must help to obtain a deeper control of what has to be produced in order to satisfy efficiently the customer’s needs in such a manner as to hold the total processing time to a minimum.
In the footwear industry, this is even more important since the clients’ choices can change very quickly according to what’s trending on fashion.
We will manage and maintain our operating systems on-time and to a high standard of accuracy and flexibility by assigning each order a priority, considering its complexity or urgency.
Production is a crucial phase of the whole product life cycle. As passionate makers, we will never send a product unless we consider it perfectly made to meet current market demands, delivering on uniqueness as a value add.
Our factory is divided into departments of modeling, cutting, stitching, lasting, assembling, finishing and packaging. Our footwear is manufactured by means of a highly impressive and extensive process comprising a lot of manual tasks and where machines are always used as a complement to skilled artisanal labor.
We develop our shoes attending the different types of construction we are specialized, which are:
- Normal Cemented
- Cemented with Blake stitch
- Cemented with sidewall stitching
- Cemented with normal stitch to the midsole
- Cemented with Blake stitch to the midsole
- Normal Moccasin
- Moccasin with Blake stitch
- Moccasin with sidewall stitching
- Moccasin with normal stitch to the midsole
- Moccasin with Blake stitch to the midsole
- Strobel
Our team is personally included during the manufacturing process to certify that everything is accurately done and evaluate proactively the footwear at all stages.
We take care of every aspect to ensure the production is going smoothly from development and production to inline inspection and shipment, enabling the best speed possible to market, reduction of returns, improvement of quality and enhancement of customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Rudis also offers an outsourcing service focused solely on footwear development from concept through sample realization.
Our full understanding of the development process based on thorough analysis of market information through consumer, customer and trend research facilitates the acquisition of applications, techniques and ideas that will innovate your product.